: Docker – basic examples2017-09-21
: RabbitMQ – message broker
: Aktin
Amazon Web Services (ECS, EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, CloudFront, Route 53, …), Docker (development and production), PHP 7.4, Nette Framework 3.0, Websockets using Swoole.
- Rewrited single server application to dockerized one running in AWS.
- CI&CD of dockerized application using Bitbucket Pipelines to multiple ECS clusters.
- Image processing microservice using NodeJS Lambda script triggered by image upload to source S3 bucket creating multiple format and resolution images in another accessible by CloudFront CDN.
- Implemented WMS model with GraphQL API – used by PWA web application on barcode scanner written by colleague.
First time experience with full remote after we moved to Sri Lanka for 6 weeks with one colleague and other people from another company in February 2019. Now I am working remote since March 2020.
: PeckaDesign
PHP, Nette Framework, Doctrine, RabbitMQ, WebSocket (RabbitMQ Web STOMP), Supervisor, Vagrant, Docker, MySQL (MariaDB), Git, Composer, Redis, Elasticsearch, Web Server Cluster, NewRelic
: Palacký University Olomouc
: SGaSOŠ Kunovice
Computer electronic systems
: Hello World!